Austen Inspired Reading & Viewing Challenges for 2011

Happy New Year fellow Janeites and book bloggers! With the New Year comes resolutions, and for book bloggers that means claiming and declaring your reading challenges for the year.

2011 is a celebratory year for Jane Austen and her legion of fans as it marks the bicentenary of the publication of Sense and Sensibility in 1811. To honor my favorite author and inspire readership, Austenprose is hosting two reading challenges and promoting another sponsored by the ladies at Historical Tapestry blog. They all dovetail nicely into each other, so we can all be multitasking readers this year. You can find the details to each challenge at these links. It is really quite simple, and as easy as reading or viewing 1 to 4 books or movies.
As a professional bookseller and Janeite, I am quite excited about the bicentenary. There is sure to be a spotlight on Jane Austen this year in the media because of the anniversary of Sense and Sensibility. I hope that the reading challenges will inspire and connect the online Jane Austen and book blogging communities, promote reading, and honor a great author.