Pride and Prejudice 1995, Restored DVD Edition

I am delighted with my restored Pride and Prejudice DVD. I can imagine that Blu-ray version is near to perfect, but being limited in funds I have only the restored DVD.

I'm still intrigued by Mr. Darcy's hair on my DVD cover (R) ... it is very stretched and different from that presented by Laurel Ann in her post (L).

This restored version promised an improvement in color that, in my opinion, has successfully been met.

I have captured a few Before and After images (click on them to enlarge):

I very much like the "Anamorphic "Widescreen Presentation", which was not available on the DVD released in Brazil.

Posted by Raquel Sallaberry; First published as "Orgulho e preconceito 1995 restaurado" at Jane Austen em Português.