Jane Austen Movie Throwdown

We've offered many polls about Jane Austen movie adaptations, but none centered around costumes. Instead of a blanket question, I will hone in on specific costumes. This week we return to that most reliable of JA staples, Pride and Prejudice, more specifically, Elizabeth Bennet. In your estimation,

whose day gowns were the best?

Elizabeth Garvie in Pride and Prejudice 1980

Jennifer Ehle in Pride and Prejudice 1995

Keira Knightley in Pride and Prejudice 2005

Gemma Arterton, Lost in Austen

Whose day gowns were the best?
Elizabeth Garvey, 1980
Jennifer Ehle, 1995
Keira Knightley, 2005
Gemma Arterton, 2008
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