Sense and Sensibility, October or November?

Writing about the Sense and Sensibility's Bicentennary, I came across a discrepancy in the first edition publication's date. Reading Jane Austen: Facts and Problems, by R. W. Chapman I found the following date in the Chronology Index:

1811 Nov. Sense and Sensibility: A Novel. In three volumes. By a Lady. T. Egerton.

In the edition (2006) of Sense and Sensibility by Cambridge , with Janet Todd's presentation, she mentions Deirdre Le Faye's chronology, with the month of October. The precise day is October 30:

February JA starts planning Mansfield Park.
30 October S&S published.
? Winter JA starts revising ‘First Impressions’ into Pride and Prejudice.

Perhaps there is a study on these dates, but I could not find it. And that is why I am asking your help. Thank you all!

Posted by Raquel Sallaberry, Jane Austen em Português