Mr. Darcy Wins a Golden Globe

Colin Firth looking sartorially resplendent at the 2011 Golden Globe Awards
His Royal Firthness won a much-earned Golden Globe for his spectacular performance in The King's Speech. If you are a fan of good films and great acting, this movie is a must-see. I actually paid twice (unheard of, really) to see Colin Firth in one of the best roles in his life (it is hard to choose between this role and A Single Man.)
Colin's tribute to his wife Livia was touching
The evening was tarnished for me almost at the start, however, since Geoffrey Rush did not win for his role as Lionel Logue. Giving the Golden Globe to Colin Firth only was like giving one bookend as a gift. You need two bookends, everyone knows that, and The King's Speech REQUIRED Geoffrey Rush's remarkable portayal of the speech therapist for the story to work. Geoffrey'r role was ESSENTIAL. His performance equalled Colin's - they were like bookends - each needing each other, and bouncing off each other for the story to make sense.

Geoffrey Rush as Lionel Logue
So how could the Golden Globes have passed Geoffrey over? I am all puzzlement.

Below, Colin speaks about seeing Jennifer Ehle, his costar in Pride and Prejudice at about 3:17 in the video clip below (which is rather boring, actually, except for his comment about her and about Geoffrey Rush afterwards).