Jane Austen Movie Fashion Throwdown

Gentle readers: The Sunday Throwdown series is undergoing yet another metamorphosis. You will now be asked to judge the fashions in Jane Austen adaptations! For the first Fashion Throwdown, whose fashions best define Mrs. Bennet? The 1995 film or the 2005 version? The 1995 film depicts Regency dress styles when the book was published in 1813, and the 2005 film show the styles that were popular when Jane Austen first wrote Pride and Prejudice in 1797.

Whose wardrobe did you like best? Mrs. Bennet 1995 or Mrs. Bennet 2005?

Alison Steadman dressed as Mrs. Bennet, 1995

Brenda Blethyn dressed as Mrs. Bennet, 2005

Whose wardrobe do you like most?
Alison Steadman, Pride and Prejudice 1995
Brenda Blethyn, Pride and Prejudice 2005
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