Emma 2009, Episode One

Gentle reader, this Guardian UK.Com article discusses the first episode of Emma 2009. Click here to read it. (See snippet below)
Each character's choice of cranial accessory came with a helpful clue as to the nature of her/his personality. Hence Emma's hats were floppy, hugely brimmed jobs either loosely knotted or bedecked with dangly, daringly untied ribbons (thus reflecting her free spirit and a certain laxness in the attention-to-common-sense department). Elsewhere: Miss Bates's bonce bore a succession of unyielding Regency coal scuttles (creature of habit + sod all imagination), Harriet's green silk bonnet was so saggy, it appeared her brains had tried to escape from the back of her skull during a particularly tricky thought about buns or something (idiocy), while Knightley's vast stovepipe/top hat contraption succeeded in dominating his every scene (implication: he has an erection. Hopefully).
The initial critiques from viewers are not overwhelmingly positive. And what were they thinking giving Emma a modern hairdo? (See below). Click on Jane Austen's World Poll and Austenblog for comments.

Posted by Vic, Jane Austen's World