Here are two clever and sassy ladies to follow this week: Heather of The Duchess of Devonshire’s Gossip Guide and Lauren of Marie Antoinette's Gossip Guide. These two talented team bloggers are devoted to English and French royalty, history, art, fashion and gossip in the 18th-century. Their beautiful blogs are resplendent with the most fascinating facts, dug up from the stacks of some dusty library no doubt, detailing the tragic, the shocking and the hilarious lives of upper-crust society. I dote on The Tart of the Week on the Devonshire Gossip Guide and What Would Marie Do? on Antoinette Gossip Guide and would not miss them.
You can also follow Heather and Lauren on Twitter where you can catch them dropping gossip about the most scandalous subjects and a few important historical points of interest on the web.
Visit Heather at The Duchess of Devonshire's Gossip Guide
Visit Lauren at Marie Antoinette's Gossip Guide
Enjoy! Laurel Ann, Austenprose