Would you like to be part of a new Jane Austen story? Do you have a twitter account? Click on this link to find out how you can participate in this innovative project! In part, the introduction says:
We plan to run a storytelling session one day every week for about three months next year. Each week’s chapter will be posted online and on www.AustenAuthors.com on Sunday. You don’t have to be a published writer to join in — you just have to love your Jane!
So what happens next? Throughout January, we’ll be inviting you to come up with the basic set-up for a new Austen story. We’d like you to use characters from the original books (so we all know who they are), though you can mix and match them from different novels as much as you like. You can also include up to two new characters of your own, as long as you tell us a bit about them.
We’ve included our own sample story ... Just email your outline to austenproject@gmail.com before January 20 to take part, and we’ll then run a poll in which we’ll be inviting people to vote for the story idea they like best. If your story idea wins you’ll get to kick it off when we go live!